Tuesday, 14 June 2011

A ukulele, Stephen Fry and a probably-unrequited love

Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States is clearly a wonderful academic institution. It is also the oldest higher education institution in the USA and has had many significant figures through its educational doors, including George W and Barack Obama. That great musical genius, Tom Lehrer, is another alumnus of the University (see here for an example).

But perhaps the greatest thing ever to come out of Harvard is this short performance, combining, as it does, two of my favourite subjects - the ukulele and the living wonder that is Stephen Fry. Let's just say that the marvelous Mr Fry, attending Harvard to receive a, no doubt, very well-deserved award (the 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University - chosen by a group of students for his endeavours in the arts), also received some rather unexpected attention in the nicest and most flattering way from a lovely and very talented young woman armed with a ukulele, a song and a heart-felt and well-thought through proposal.

My thanks to my friend Murray for making me aware of it and to the young woman concerned, Molly Lewis - bless you for a wonderful performance, and for trying!

1 comment:

  1. A great find SNB. Well worthy of inclusion on any blog.


    Wonder why Jono didn't find it?



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