Tuesday, 18 May 2010

New life from old...

There were lots of new fern fronds uncurling out into the wide world in our fernery last weekend - one of my favourite Spring things every year in the garden...


  1. you can eat fiddleheads can't you?

  2. I think so - very young bracken heads can be eaten.

  3. Hope it's not a case of the old 'Crocodile Dundee' "You can eat it, but it tastes like....."

  4. ... looking for your word poems, natureboy ...

  5. Anonymous - look to the right of this column, at the labels, and pick the one that says "poetry (2)", which will open the two articles based on poems.

  6. Al - I suspect they would keep you alive, just not in a happy and contented way!


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