Monday, 1 August 2022

The Endless Immensity of the Sea - music for National Marine Week 2022

I have a music project that I've been working on for several years, producing mostly instrumental tracks inspired by nature, space, sometimes even by cycling. As a marine biologist, I take a lot of inspiration from the deep blue parts of our one and only home planet Earth. This week (actually being run over two weeks to make use of the differing tide times around the UK) is the UK's Wildlife Trusts' National Marine Week, encouraging awareness and celebration of our fantastic marine environment and its amazingly diverse wildlife.

It seemed an ideal opportunity for me to pull together, into a single playlist, all the music I've produced over the years that has been inspired by the sea, and the wildlife and people in and upon it, and even the exciting possibility of life under the ice on moons of Saturn and Jupiter, out there in the Solar System.

You can listen to the playlist on my Soundcloud site:

Click on the above image or HERE to listen to the playlist.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks DF. Long time no hear! I hope all's well? I've just spent a Monday evening in the pub, maybe for the first time ever!


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